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Running The Pack In The Running For The 2014 Boston A-List!

Exciting news: Running The Pack has been nominated for the 2014 Boston A-List in the Best Dog Walker category! The Boston A-List is a contest presented by WGBH and in which Boston locals vote on which of over 4,000 Boston-area businesses are the best in their field.

What’s even more exciting than being nominated? YOU can help us win! To cast your vote for Running The Pack, click HERE. Voters can only vote once in each category, so be sure to spread the word about your favorite dog walker!

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Posted in News Articles

In The News: High-Tech Dog Collars

Help! I've Fallen And I Don't Want To Get Up!

Help! I've Fallen And I Don't Want To Get Up!

You can already buy a onesie that monitors your baby’s vital signs – Why not a collar that does the same for your dog? Boston’s local CBS affiliate WBZ Channel 4 profiled a Massachusetts company this week aiming to do just that.

Based in Burlington, PetPace offers a collar that syncs with an app, allowing you to monitor your dog’s heart rate, temperature, breathing, and activity levels from anywhere. The app will even alert you to any abnormalities. Check out the full story below (Warning: Video features adorable pug!):

While obviously not a substitute for regular checkups, PetPace offers owners peace of mind. Everyone has to leave their animals alone sometimes (Yes, even dog walkers), and being able to know that your pet is healthy even when you are not physically there to check on them seems like a huge benefit. According to the PetPace website, you can even share your pet’s data with their vet!

What do you think? Have you tried PetPace? Would you? Let us know!

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Posted in Animal Safety, News Articles

Any (Pet Friendly) Port In A Storm

State lawmakers, animal aid organizations, and animal lovers will meet at the State House this afternoon to celebrate the passage of a bill that benefits pet owners all over The Commonwealth. Senate Bill 1172 An Act Ensuring The Safety Of People With Pets In Disasters was signed into law by Governor Deval Patrick back in March. As the title suggests, the bill will help pet owners keep their animals safe in the event of a disaster – But how? What changes will the average pet holder see in their lives?

Previous laws concerning the evacuation and rescue of people during a disaster did not cover the pets of the people being evacuated. Civil defense organizations in the state were not required to include animals in their disaster planning, so they didn’t have the necessary shelter or rescue equipment available to provide animal care. Even service animals were excluded. This left many people to make a heart-wrenching choice: To save their own life or to stay with their pet. Many people understandably chose not to evacuate without their pet, not only putting their life in danger, but the lives of the first responders sent to rescue them.

The passage of Senate Bill 1172 aims to prevent this scenario by amending the existing laws to include not only the needs of people during an emergency, but the needs of their household pets and service animals. A section of the new amendment reads:

“Any emergency plan of operations shall include strategies to support the needs of people with household pets and the needs of household pets under their care, including service animals. The local organization for civil defense shall take appropriate steps to educate the public regarding the resources available in the event of an emergency and the importance of emergency preparedness planning.”

Not only will civil defense organizations in Massachusetts be required to plan for rescuing pets along with their people, but they must have a plan for sheltering them as well.  Organizations have twelve months to update their emergency operations plans, but if you want to get a head start, the MSPCA website has a great checklist of how to keep your family – furry family included – safe during an emergency.

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Posted in Animal Issues, Local Animal Laws, News Articles

Pet Sitting: Often Overlooked Info Your Sitter Wants To Know

Everyone knows the basic information to leave for a pet sitter: Emergency contacts (Vet, preferred hospital, your cell phone/email address), a typical schedule for the pet, any allergies or injuries, etc. But what else might your sitter need to know? Below is a list of  questions I’ve found myself wondering about on pet sitting jobs:

Is this an emergency?

Does your pet have any illnesses or injuries that come and go? Are they prone to ear infections? Do they have arthritis that acts up in certain weather conditions? Does mucous from seasonal allergies cause them occasional stomach upset? Even if it hasn’t happened in a while, let your sitter know. You know your pet better than anyone else, so sharing with your sitter what pet behaviors are something to make note of and keep an eye on and what pet behaviors merit a trip to the doctor will save you both from unnecessary stressed-out phone calls and frantic drives to the emergency room.

How should I clean up this mess?

Even the most well-behaved pets have accidents once in a while. Let your pet sitter know where you keep your cleaning supplies and if you have any preferences as to which product to use on which surfaces. It will be less stressful for you and your pet sitter to know that they are not ruining your nice new carpet (Even though your pet may have other ideas).

Where is the toilet paper?

It may sound silly, but I can’t count how many times I’ve found myself weighing the benefits of searching the house I’m pet sitting at for toilet paper versus just driving to a nearby Starbucks. Tell your sitter where you keep the TP, or leave a roll or two out  for them. Odds are, they feel as weird about them going through your cabinets as you do.

While no one can guarantee a perfect pet sit, leaving this information for your sitter will definitely make for a less stressful sit for them, your pet, and you.

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Posted in Adventures in Pet Sitting

Get Out Of Town! Dog Friendly Parks To Visit This Weekend

Photo by Ildar Sagdejev

Photo by Ildar Sagdejev. some rights reserved.

Taking a staycation this Memorial Day weekend? Why not take advantage of Monday’s nice weather (High of 79 degrees? Yes, please!) to explore some beautiful pet friendly parks close to home?

World’s End, Hingham, MA

The park encompasses a variety of landscapes, including shorelines, hills, fields and woods, with paths designed by famous landscape architect Frederick Law Olmsted.

Off-leash Dogs: No

Leashed dogs: Yes

Purgatory Chasm State Reservation, Sutton, MA

The amazing natural rock formations are perfect for climbing and exploring. Bonus points for their creative names – The Coffin, The Corn Crib, and Fat Man’s Misery, to name just a few.

Off-leash dogs: No

Leashed dogs: Yes

Ravenswood Park, Gloucester, MA

This park is known for it’s peaceful atmosphere and variety of plants and animals. 10 miles of trails will give you plenty of opportunities for bird watching, and picnicking is allowed, so pack a lunch!

Off-leash dogs: Yes (Note: Dogs must be leashed in the parking area)

Leashed dogs: Yes

Middlesex Fells Reservation, Malden, Medford, Stoneham, Melrose, Winchester, MA

A favorite spot for Boston-area dog owners, the Fells is definitely worth checking out. 100 miles of trails afford access to meadows, ponds, hills, woods, and a dedicated off-leash dog area called The Sheepfold.

Off-Leash Dogs: Yes (Sheepfold area only)

Leashed Dogs: Yes

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Posted in Dog Friendly Places, Hikes and Trails, Parks and Beaches, Uncategorized

Fun Events For Dogs This Weekend! SomDog Spring Fling 2014

Attention Somerville – We’re baaaack! Your favorite neighborhood dog walker and pet sitter Running The Pack will once again be scooping our dog-friendly frozen yogurt at this Sunday’s second annual SomDog Spring Fling! Stop by Somerville’s Union Square with your pup between 10:00AM and 2:00PM and say hi! This year’s Spring Fling will also feature a Frisbee demo, dog trick competition, Kiddie corner with face paint and more, AND a dogs allowed been garden (Beer is for humans only, of course)!

This event is free and open to the public, with beer garden tickets available at $10 for SomDog members and $20 for the general public. The Spring Fling runs until 3:30PM, but RTP will only be scooping until 2:00PM, so get there early!


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Posted in Animal Events

What To Do If You Find A Lost Dog?

Picture this – You’re out walking or driving in your neighborhood and you see a dog trotting along the side of the road without a human in sight. What do you do? Inspired by our experience with Remy the poodle guiding a lost dog back to it’s owners, we thought we’d put together some tips on what to do if you encounter a lost or stray dog.

Determine if the dog is really alone

Sometimes, especially on wooded trails, dogs get a little ahead of their owners. Take a good look around and see if there are any people approaching. If the dog is near houses, it may be a pet that wanted a little more outside time and slipped out without it’s owner noticing. Knock on a nearby door and see if the residents know who owns the dog. He might not be that far from home!

Look for a collar/ID tags

If the dog is really alone and can’t be identified by neighbors, try to visually confirm if the dog has a collar and/or ID tags. Try approaching the dog slowly, speaking in a calming voice. A strong-smelling treat makes a good peace offering, if you have one. The goal is to gain the dogs trust so that you can get close enough to read it’s tags (If any) and learn it’s owner’s phone number or address.

Always be cautious when approaching an unfamiliar animal. Pay attention to the signals it’s giving you through body language and vocalizations. Do not approach an animal that is acting aggressively. Even the most tame pet can become aggressive when frightened or stressed, as a lost and hungry dog is likely to be.

Make a phone call

If the dog is friendly and you can get his family’s phone number from his tags, congratulations! You can be a hero with just one phone call, reuniting a lost pet with it’s loving family.

If the dog has no tags, is too aggressive to approach, appears ill,  or is frightened and runs away, we recommend you call your local animal control department. This number is often buried in a town or police department website, so your best bet is to call your local police non-emergency number or 411. Either will be able to forward you to the animal control offices. Be sure to give the officer the best description of the dog that you can, as well as the address of where you last spotted it. Don’t be afraid to get the officer’s name and follow up with them in a few days. If the dog is friendly, stay with it until animal control officers arrive to ensure it doesn’t wander off

If you want to make sure you are always prepared to help an animal in need, the Humane Society of The United States recommends keeping an emergency kit in your car including:

  • Phone; phone numbers of local animal control, a shelter, and a 24-hour emergency veterinary clinic
  • Collars and strong leashes for dogs
  • Cat carrier or cardboard box
  • Heavy blanket; water bowls and water
  • Strong-smelling foods, such as canned tuna or dried liver
  • An animal first-aid kit.

Have you ever found a lost pet? Do you have any additional tips?

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Posted in Animal Safety

5 Dogs To Follow On Facebook

Nothing helps to ease the pain of the first day back at work after a long weekend like seeing a picture of a cute pup in your Facebook feed. Here are some of our favorites:

1. Sir Charles Barkley

Barkley, Sir Charles

Hometown: Seattle, WA

Follow If You Like: Frenchies, well-accessorized dogs, Seattle sports teams, dogs in athletic gear, upside-down frenchie smiles

2. Chubs The Wampug

Chubs The Wampug

Hometown: Kingman, AZ

Follow If You Like: Pugs, Star Wars, homemade dog costumes, smushy faces, sad puppy eyes, begging for treats, puppy smiles, foolishness

3. Fifty, The Two-Legged Pitbull


Hometown: Chicago, IL

Follow If You Like: Pitbulls, Bill Murray, inspirational stories, two-legged dogs swimming, the pure joy that is a pitbull smile

4. Corgnelius & Stumphrey

Corgnelius & Stumphrey

Hometown: West Los Angeles, CA

Follow if you like: Corgis, well-dressed dogs, siblings, Throwback Thursday puppy pictures, corgi butts

5. Minnie & Max

Minnie & Max

Hometown: Menlo Park, CA

Follow if you like: Pugs, siblings, cuddles, dog piles, head tilting, sad puppy face, pug tongue, dogs out on the town

Who are your favorite Facebook famous dogs? You can find Running The Pack and all of our canine friends on Facebook at .

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Posted in Cute Stuff, Pictures

Adventures in Dog Walking: What Lies Beneath

Spring is finally upon us and not a minute too soon. This winter has been particular harsh, and spending all of your time chipping poopsicles out of the nearest snow bank can be a bit soul crushing for even the most dedicated of Dog Walkers. As the sun warms, and the snow becomes a fading memory, we enter one of the most amusing times of the year, which we have dubbed “The Season of Discovery”

Each year when the snow, our dog walkers seem to find the strangest and most exotic “treasures” revealed from their wintery tombs. Here’s just a taste of the items we have found over the years:

One of our Cambridge Dog Walkers stumbled upon a running sneaker with the sock still tucked inside , pointed down the street as if the occupant had run right out of his shoe and kept going.

While walking through Newton, one of our dog walkers found what seemed to be the contents of an entire bag of groceries, including a bag of apples, mouthwash, and a tub of margarine, all still inside the brown paper bag. The apples had frozen solid, but the margarine was exactly the same.

A very surprised Somerville dog walker found three bottles of narcotic pain killers. The date on the bottle indicated that they had been hidden in the snow bank near the pharmacy for at least a month. The Pharmacist was happy to take them off our hands.

And perhaps my favorite of all,  while covering a route in Arlington  I found a 10-inch kitchen knife sticking straight up out of the ground where the sidewalk met the road.  I can only speculate that someone had re-purposed it to clean ice off of their car in an early storm, stuck it there to do something else, and then forgot to pick it up.  As I pulled it from it’s wintry prison, I felt vaguely like king Arthur freeing Excalibur.

And so, as you travel your neighborhood sidewalks and street, keep you eyes peeled! You never know what might be peeking from below the snow.

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Posted in Adventures in Pet Sitting

5 Favorite Springtime Etsy Finds For Your Dog!

1. Dog Raincoat

Raincoat by Voyager K9 Apparel, $67

Raincoat by Voyagers K9 Apparel, $67

April showers may bring May flowers, but they also bring wet puppies! Voyagers K9 Apparel makes their raincoats using breed-specific patterns to make sure your dog gets a good fit. It probably costs more than MY raincoat, but every pet needs some spoiling sometimes, right? Hmm… I wonder if they have a dog walker model?

Read more ›

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Posted in Cute Stuff

Dog Running

Running The Pack offers a variety of services for animals of all ages and abilities. A Maximum of two dogs will be run at one time.

Dog Walking

Your dog's not able to run or just needs extra walking services? Running The Pack's staff are also available as dog walkers.

Pet Sitting

While you are away, Running The Pack offers pet sitting services so that you can feel safe & secure that your beloved pet is with a pet professional.

New Puppy Sessions

Need some copy here for this one.


We LOVE Running the Pack and our walker, Erin! They are so reliable, super flexible and they have the best little online thing so that you can cancel your walks or add walks if necessary… We HIGHLY recommend them!