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Dog Friendly Places: Polka Dog Bakery

Alex These Yummy Treats Are For Fido!

Riley and I are constantly looking for new and places that offer interesting dog products. We’ve recently come across a place called the Polka Dog Bakery. Located at 256 Shawmut Avenue in South Boston, this treat boutique for dogs has a heartfelt story about how it got started. The bakery is a tribute to the owners late dog Pearl, a one-eyed Puerto Rican Boxer that was a stray found outside San Juan. They were only supposed to keep her for one night. However, once they met her, they instantly fell in love. Pearl needed more nurturing than most dogs because of her health issues, so they would use the finest ingredients in their baked goods to keep her healthy and happy.

They still use the best ingredients and prepare all the treats by hand. Not only do they sell treats, they also have toys, collars, dog beds, feeding bowls, you name it. What I appreciated most was their health and care section. They have a great selection of healthy dog food, as well as other products to keep your dog feeling like a puppy again. These products include: Dr. Harvey’s e-mune boost, ortho flex joint ease, stress and tension supplements, herbal tea blends and the list goes on. Some of their products are a little expensive but overall I would say they prices are fair.

It is worth dropping by the store, or just check out their website that lists all their products and ongoing events and that you and your pup would enjoy.

Polka Dog Bakery
256 Shawmut Avenue
South End, Boston

Store Hours:
M : noon to 7:30pm

T-F: 10am to 7:30pm
Sa: 10am to 7pm
Su: 11pm to 6pm

Phone 617.338.5155
Fax 617.307.6729

Website:Polka Dog Bakery

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