I’m sure we at Running The Pack were not alone in the shock and sadness we felt when we saw Friday’s story on the animals found in disturbing conditions at a shelter run by the City of Boston. This is just the latest in a string of animal mistreatment incidents that have made the news this summer: Pitbull puppies living in squalor in a Lawrence basement, a kennel worker’s assault on a dog in his care, a man leaving his dog in a locked car for hours while at a concert. The abuses keep coming in, each seemingly more horrifying than the last. But there is hope.

Camilla, one of the dogs taken from the Roslindale shelter. Photo by Aram Boghosian for The Boston Globe
While it hurts to see animals in pain on the news, the fact that these stories are ON the news is important. It means that Massachusetts residents are recognizing the signs of animal cruelty and taking action by notifying the proper authorities. It means that those authorities are taking these reports seriously and tracking down and filing criminal charges against those responsible for the alleged mistreatment. It means that the mistreated animals are getting justice, as well as a chance at the life they deserve.
These stories send a message to potential animal abusers that their actions will not go unnoticed and unpunished. They also send a message of hope and encouragement to animal lovers – that their voice is a powerful tool in the fight to protect animals, that there is something they can do to help.
If you would like to help the Animal Rescue League of Boston care for the animals they have taken in from the Roslindale shelter under investigation, visit their donation page here.
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