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Northeast Animal Shelter


       The past few weeks I have and several people ask me my thoughts about rescue dogs and about shelters in general.  The questions have varied from where a good shelter is located to my thoughts on mix breeds vs. purebred’s.

I will always be a supporter of rescue dogs.  Riley is a rescue dog and she was the best fit for me.  I also prefer getting a mixed breed rather than a purebred.  I have found that they have less health issues and usually are smarter.  Now, this is my own opinion after being around so many mixed breed and purebreds.  Also, by adopting a pup, you are giving it a second chance to a good life.  I am in no way bashing purebreds but I do feel that if you are going to buy a purebred from a breeder, do as much research on that breeder as possible to avoid inbreeding.
Originally, I am from Salem, MA.  Which is the home of the Northeast Animal Shelter.  I am a big fan of this shelter not only because its in my hometown but because of the attention and care they give their four legged friends.  They have been around for a while but they just recently built a new facility.  They always have a wide variety of breeds and they get puppies in regularly.  So no matter if you are looking for and adult dog, or you would prefer to start fresh with a little pup, this shelter may just have your new family member.

Northeast Animal Shelter
347 Highland Avenue, Salem, MA 01970
Phone: (978)745-9888
Monday – Friday: 11am – 8pm
Saturday & Sunday: 10am – 6pm

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Dog Running

Running The Pack offers a variety of services for animals of all ages and abilities. A Maximum of two dogs will be run at one time.

Dog Walking

Your dog's not able to run or just needs extra walking services? Running The Pack's staff are also available as dog walkers.

Pet Sitting

While you are away, Running The Pack offers pet sitting services so that you can feel safe & secure that your beloved pet is with a pet professional.

New Puppy Sessions

Need some copy here for this one.


Running the Pack is absolutely wonderful.  When I first got my puppy, Jill walked me through what the best walking schedule would best, as well as passed along some advice about how to make sure the walks that he was on with me were encouraging him to be the best little doggy-citizen he could be….I love how committed and caring Jill and all her staff are.